
John Elsner and Joan-Pau Rubiés, Voyages and Visions: Towards a Cultural History of Travel (1999)

Phil Cousineau, The Art of Pilgrimage, “Introduction” and “Arrival” (1998)

Initiation” and “Shamanism” (excerpts), Mircea Eliade

Eric Leed, The Mind of the Traveler (1992), on departure and passage.  Concentrate on pp. 64-82.

“Gravity,” Scott Olsen

Alaine de Botton (The Art of Travel,  2004)

Peter Sloterdijk, Esferas I

Peter Sloterdijk, Esferas II

Peter Sloterdijk, Esferas III


Gilgamesh, Chapters 4-6, journey through the Netherworld

Odyssey, Book 5: Odysseus on Kalypso’s island

Plínio, o Velho,História Natural, L. XXXV, cap. 43, na tradução de J. Bostock, H. T. Riley, The Natural History of Pliny, Londres, Henry G. Bohn, 1857, vol. VI, pág. 283.

Idade Média

Tomasi, “Homo Viator: from pilgrimage to religious tourism …”  pp. 1-13.

Paul Zumthor La Mesure du Monde


Antiguidade-Idade Moderna

Mary Campbell, The Witness and the Other World. Exotic European Travel Writing, 400-1600.


Condicionantes Culturais da Literatura de Viagens. Estudos e Bibliografias (coord. Fernando Cristóvão) Almedina, 2002

Grand Tour

Geoff Quilley, Re-enacting Art and Travel

Volta ao Mundo- 80 dias

Phileas Fogg

Império Britânico

Artists and Empire. Facing Britain’s Imperial Past, catálogo da Exposição- Tate Modern (25 November 2015- 10 April 2016)


Romanticism and Colonialism. Writing and Empire, 1780-1830 (Edited by Tim Fulford and Peter J. Kitson, Cambridge University Press, 1998.


Victor Segalen, Essai sur l’Exotisme, une esthétique du divers (1908)


The Lure of the East: British Orientalist Painting

Noites Árabes

Captain Richard Burton, Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah & Meccah, 1855-56


Neoclassicismo inglês

Alexander von Humboldt- Kosmos


The Conrad Martens sketchbooks – illustrations of the voyage


Contemporary Art and Globalisation Study Day video recordings

Umberto Eco, Viagem na Realidade Quotidiana


Rosalind Krauss” A voyage on the North Sea” Post-Medium Condiction

Rosalind Krauss, The Power of the Specific Image